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The presentation of the short film "Feim un cafè?" of Marabans Coffee & Tea will excite the residents of Pollença.

L’acte de presentació del curt s’emmarcà dins les festes de La Patrona de Pollença i es var dur a terme el dia 25 de juliol a la Plaça Vella de la localitat.

La periodista Neus Albis va presentar l’acte d’estrena, que també comptà amb la participació del batle de Pollença, dels veïnats de la localitat que han fet dels personatges històrics Joan Mas i Dragut a les festes de La Patrona dels darrers anys, els propietaris de Ca’n Moixet, els actors i director del curt, Ernest Riera.

A aquesta presentació, Marabans ret homenatge als bars i restauradors de ses Illes amb un curtmetratge gravat a l’emblemàtic bar Ca’n Moixet de Pollença, l’epicentre de la celebració de la festa dels moros i cristians de la localitat.

Many thanks to Fernando Periames for giving us his pictures of the presentation.

Titulat ‘Feim un cafè?’, el curtmetratge talks about the role of coffee as an element to unite people in a time of imposed social distance.

"In a very hard time for many of our customers - bars, restaurants and hotels - from Marabans we wanted to send them a message of support and encouragement. And we wanted to do it by means of a short film that shows the importance of bars and restaurants as backbone elements, points that facilitate the union and socialization of people... After a few months in which human contact has been limited to the screens, we have discovered the magic that lies behind an act as simple as having a coffee with company, whether from family, friends or the bar waiter," he explains. Jordi Seguí, CEO of Marabans.

The short film stars the actor Rafel Ramis; is directed by the Mallorcan director Ernest Riera, screenwriter of films registered in Hollywood such as 'A 21 metros' and 'A 21 Metres 2'; and produced by vivirdelcuento comunicació, the producer of the short film.‘Tu tens la clau’, that has gone around the world and has become a symbol in defense of small businesses.

Feim un cafè?



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