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We often find ourselves in the situation of not knowing what to choose when we are in front of the drinks menu and we are not clear about the difference between them. Confusion between liquefied, milkshake and smoothie is common, because the difference is usually based on textures and it is difficult to differentiate these nuances.

Smoothie comes from the English word "smooth" which means smooth.

Smoothies arose from the tradition of drinking blended fresh fruit smoothies in Latin America. This tradition passed to the United States, and it was around the end of the 60s, in California, where it quickly became fashionable and spread all over the world.

The smoothie is a drink very similar to a milkshake, made from fruit juice or fruit extract, but it is the creamiest of the smoothies, with a smooth and pleasant consistency.

Frappés, on the other hand, originated in Greece and were born by chance more than half a century ago, and today they have become one of the most refreshing and international drinks.

 With its internationalisation and growing popularity, other variants have appeared in which it is prepared with: chocolate, chai, yoghurt or vanilla, among others.

Frappé is a cold drink made and served in a special way, which makes it one of the most typical drinks to drink on the street and one of the most popular in summer, especially on hot days.

Now you choose, Smoothie or Frappé... which one do you prefer?


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